What is the ESF Innovation Fair 2025
Innovation changes the world. Innovation changes science. And innovation changes us.
The ESF Innovation Fair is an annual science fair competition open to all Hong Kong students between Year 10 (Form 3) and Year 13 (Form 6). In the fair, students are encouraged to explore and investigate genuine interest in their chosen fields of STEM through an original research project, culminating in a final exhibition and competition for fellow peers, teachers, and professors alike. Now in its junior year, Innofair is expanding its invitation to many other schools to further showcase the diverse, scientific student community in Hong Kong.
A unique feature of Innofair are its professor mentors — each participating team is assigned a professor of their chosen field from some of Hong Kong’s most prestigious institutions. The personal guidance and feedback provided by such mentors is an unmissable opportunity.
At its core, however, Innofair is not about being the smartest or the best — it’s about curiosity. So everyone is invited, even if they don’t have prior experience working with professors or conducting research in STEM. The most important thing is that you get to walk away with experience, knowledge, and newfound passion for science: that’s what matters the most to us.
Click on our photos to get to know our team!