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With the provided rubric, students can vote for one of the five awards we offer this year (please refer to the question below for further information).


Though InnoFair is of a competitive nature, we wish to emphasise that the point of the competition isn't to be the best — it's the opportunity to learn, explore, and recognise the passion and ingenuity of Hong Kong students towards STEM. That curiosity will take you places far greater than any award could. 



2. What awards will be given at innofair 2025?


Five awards will be given at InnoFair 2025, which include: Overall 1st Place Award, Overall 2nd Place Award, Overall 3rd Place Award, Fan Favourite Award, Most Creative Award, and Most Engaged Award. 


The Overall 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Awards will be given to the groups with the highest average score across all judges on the rubric. 


The Most Creative Award will be given to the group whom the judges collectively agree to have exhibited the highest degree of creativity, originality, and innovation in their project.


The Fan Favourite Award will be given to the group that receives the most votes for the best project from the fair's attendees — this includes all parties except for the judges. In the unlikely event that the Fan Favourite Award is cancelled, participants will be notified. 


The Most Engaged Award will be given to the group that presents and receives the highest overall score during The Innovation Fair Trivia Game. The Innovation Fair Trivia Game will be held at the end of the event and will feature a collection of questions submitted by all Innofair groups about their own projects. The trivia can be played by all groups, judges, professors, and visitors.





Innofair 2025 will take place from August to February — during this time, students will work on their projects with guidance from mentors. All projects will be presented at a science fair in February. 


Competitors can participate individually, in pairs, or in a group of three. Groups can be same or mixed-school, but all students must be eligible as per our school list (refer to question 5). Students are recommended to schedule meetings with their assigned mentors on a fortnightly to monthly basis, depending on the nature of the project. 



4. Where and how will the events take place?


The meetings with your mentors will be all done physically or virtually via any preferred method (Zoom, Google Meets, etc.). If your assigned professor mentor allows, you may work at their lab or use the resources they provide.



5. Who can participate in Innofair?


To qualify for Innofair 2025, competitors must be in or between Year 10/Form 3/Grade 9 and Year 13/Form 6/Grade 12 on the date of February 15th, 2025. All competitors must be currently enrolled in one of the following schools:

  • Any secondary or through-train school within the English Schools Foundation circuit 

  • American International School

  • Australian International School

  • Canadian International School

  • Chinese International School

  • Diocesan Boys' School

  • Diocesan Girls' School

  • German Swiss International

  • Harrow International School

  • Hong Kong International School

  • Kellet International School

  • Li Po Chun United World College

  • St. Paul's Co-educational College

  • Yew Chung International School



6. How much experience is required to participate?


Participants interested in and curious about the sciences are highly encouraged to participate. Prior experience or expertise in STEM is not required. 



7. How much time commitment is necessary?


Commitment depends on the complexity of the chosen topic and the steps that are chosen to be taken. The committee recommends that competitors start with their projects by October-November and ensure they have enough time to complete their projects and report. 



8. What are the associated costs for the competition?


The competition is free of charge. Participants will have to pay for the materials/ingredients relating to their projects. Transportation fees to the event will not be sponsored. 



9. How many people can be in a team?


Participants will enter the competition as an individual or in teams of 2 or 3.



10. How will our project be scored?


The project will be scored according to your innovation, creativity and presentation on the day (15th of February). 


Please refer to the Rubric page of our website for further details. 



11. How do I sign up? 


Signup forms will be sent to schools accordingly. However, if you have not received the form, you may sign up at this link. Please refer to the Applications page for more information regarding the process.




12. Why should I sign up?


Innofair is a great experience and a way to develop your interest in a specific science topic. All participants will have the experience of being mentored by a distinguished university professor, which is an invaluable experience.



Should you have any additional inquiries, contact us at



© 2025 The ESF Innovation Fair. 

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